Archives par mot-clé : Breakdown

christian mille, daniel sibertin-blanc : de « el adolescente in consumible » a « el adolescente in consumible »

Un tal titulo por lo menos enigmático impone el recurso a un diccionario para al menos entender algunas significaciones potenciales. Apoyándose sobre las diferentes definiciones propuestas, algunos polos de reflexión emergen para los clínicos que a veces intentan en vano de atraer y fidelizar los adolescentes en sus « fondos de comercio » Existe una expresión clínica de « el adolescente in consumible » al menos juzgado como tal por sus prójimos y que por lo menos se sustrae de la misma manera a toda forma de apetencia psicoterapéutica hacia el. La fantasmatica del sujeto/objeto consumible que representa esta estrategia de evitamiento merita de ser explorada. En las situaciones las más preocupantes. Ello viene a significar una adolescencia in consumible como rechazo de un cuerpo sexuado o del devenir adulto. La pregunta última reside en cual dispositivo psicoterapéutico tolerable para un adolescente sobre ese registro.

Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°4, pp. 861-876.

anna maria nicolò : sanar los adolescentes difíciles. apuntes sobre algunos cambios en la técnica

Existe una especificidad en el trabajo con adolescentes lo cual implica trasformaciones del dispositivo psicoanalítico clásico. A partir de estudios de casos de adolescentes difíciles en situación de « breakdown » y en ruptura de desarrollo, el autor desarrolla e ilustra esta noción de transformación del marco de la cura. Ella interroga la plaza de la interpretación, su especificidad en el trabajo con adolescentes y el interés de aparear el trabajo interpretativo con otros útiles afín de ayudar al sujeto a acceder a su historizacion y sus vivencias traumáticas.

Philippe Gutton : el peligro de crear

La héroizacion de la adolescencia podría comprender dos procesos. Uno de ellos es del orden de la creación de la intersubjetalizacion construyendo así los ideales de la adolescencia ; el otro da lugar a aquella construcción constituida del intercambio de miradas del mundo infantil y adulto institucionalizado en un superego societal.

El héroe, seria aquel que resiste a sucumbirá pesar del discurso del maestro que lo repudia en un breakdown lauferien y se dice a favor de la causa adolescente.

Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 281-298.


This article recounts individual psychotherapeutic work undertaken with a deaf adolescent, in the specialized institution where he was received, and shows to what extent adolescence can be a violently disorganizing crisis, but also a time when new resources can be mobilized. Separated from his family since the age of four years and ten months on account of his handicap, his entry into puberty brings the issue of this estrangement to the forefront. At this moment, Amadou evokes different versions of the separation, genuine « scènes pubertaires (pubertary scenes) » (Gutton, 1991) in which the childhood event is made present, the violence of this event linking it to the violence of puberty. The crisis he goes through is an opportunity to elaborate the childhood trauma, to find and investigate supports offered by his environment – psychotherapy, the institution, and the family. This case study helps us to reflect more generally upon the Oedipal issues of separation, the visit from his parents at the acme of his crisis having enabled him to get more involved in an adolescens process (Gutton, 1996). This work also provides an opportunity to study the work of anthropologists and psychoanalysts (Emy, 1972, 1988 ; Ortigues, 1966) whose work sheds precious light on the child’s separation from the mother and the family, and on the specific characteristics of the organization of the Oedipus complex in an African milieu.

Raymond Cahn, Nicole Taieb-Flicstein: the outcome of psychoanalytic treatments at adolescence

From the personal experience of the author, the several outcomes of psychoanalytic treatments at adolescence (from the breakdown to the working-through of their termination) are here examined with reference to the specificity of their criteria and modalities according to that age.
Rather than authentic ends of treatments, what is to be elaborated is the liability of giving the experience of treatment the quality of a good-enough experience within a difference accepted by both partners. Thus the possibility of a return, however uncertain it may be, towards a time and place which the youth will have made his.


Stephan Wenger : Placing Psychotic Elements into the “World” of the Psychotic

Psychotic manifestations in adolescence can take on a defensive aspect when dealing with psychotic illness, a breakdown (Laufer, M. and M. E.). Fanny presented delusive and hallucinatory activity and her symptoms disappeared after two years of therapy. Psychotherapeutic technique must follow a common thread: the conviction that the delirious and the hallucinatory belong to the internal world of the patient and form part of her narrative about herself; the associative thread of the session makes it possible to suggest that the patient invite psychotic elements into her psychic space or world, thereby putting them into the “world,” which is an identity created by the psychotic person.

Jean-Bernard Chapelier : freud and the wolf man : a shared pubertaire scene

The case of the « Wolf Man », a young man who presented grave problems in adolescence, is revisited here in light of the concept of the pubertaire scene. Indeed, when we look closely at it, this primal scene exhumed by Freud is in fact a pubertaire scene co-constructed by Freud and his patient. Starting with this hypothesis, it is possible to explain the failure of the psychoanalytical treatment which will leave the Wolf Man facing a breakdown he could not surmount. This analysis seeks to show the possible effects of the analyst’s unanalyzed pubertaire on his patient.

Claude Savinaud : the “ rock of femininity ” as a stumbling block for adolescent sexuality

Sexual abuse in the family setting of some adolescent authors seems to demonstrate a problem in distinguishing what there is of femininity in the maternal object. Here we try to study this factor specifically :
– The act corresponds to a “ release ” of the protection ensured by the maternal imago and/or a higher bid to appropriate the adolescent’s body or mind as an enjoying or distressing object.
– The act responds to a hole in symbolic ideas defined by the law, this hole concerns the “ biological rock ” of castration, of which sexual difference is a calling signal.

Christian Mille, Daniel Sibertin-Blanc : from « the adolescent not fit for consumption » to « unconsumated adolescence »

Such a title, which is enigmatic to say the least, requires us to resort to a dictionary in order to draw out some possible meanings. On the basis of the different definitions suggested, some lines of reflection open up for therapists trying, sometimes in vain, to attract adolescents to their « merchandise » and make them loyal customers. There is a clinical expression, « the adolescent not for consumption », or who is at least viewed as such by those close to him, and who removes himself from all forms of psychotherapeutic appetence addressed to him. The fantasy of consumable subject/object which underlies this strategy of avoidance warrants investigation. In the most worrisome situations, this fantasy will betray an adolescent who is not fit for consumption on account of his refusal of the sexually differentiated body or of becoming an adult. The ultimate question is that of what therapeutic setting can be tolerated by an adolescent in this register.

Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°4, pp. 861-876.

Anna Maria Nicolò : the care and treatment of difficult adolescents. notes on some changes in technique

The specific nature of work with adolescents requires an adjustment of the classical analytical setting. Using cases of difficult adolescents in contexts of breakdown or arrested development, the author discusses and illustrates the notion of adjustments to the setting. She investigates the place of interpretation, its specific character in the treatment of adolescents, and the value of combining interpretive with other tools in order that the individual may be able to historicize his or her traumatic experiences.