ENG – Sport et subjectivations
2014 T. 32 n°2

Florian Houssier
Living through sports, or how to become oneself
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Annie Birraux
The vicissitudes of heroic identification
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Bernard Andrieu
“Diving into my body !”: the sensorial immersions of adolescent sports
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Y. Morhain, É. Morhain
Slaves of glory or the passion of the extreme
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Laetitia Petit
The sport, a cultural object?
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Vincent Cornalba
Representations of aim
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Sophie Maurissen
Masochism in high-level tennis
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Stéphane Proia
Between paternal control and incestual attachment: female champions under the influence
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B. Leroy-Viémon et coll.
Sport and phenomenological psychotherapy
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Laura Karsenty
The capoeira circle: let’s play (violence), friends!
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Anne-Marie Paul
The danced encounter: symbolization effects of a therapeutic workshop
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Jacques Vargioni
Dirt, the unformed and the ideal. Anality in adolescent obesity
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Anne Tassel
Night time at the parc des princes…
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