The author approaches different experiences of confinement in adolescence by way of a clinical situation and several operas. He examines the unique path of Bérangère, sequestered by her mother, and of Pamina, captive of the Queen of Night; also of Siegfried, prisoner of Mime and Tannhäuser and detained by the goddess Venus. These four situations are an invitation to different variations of the reordering of imagos that precedes the investment of substitute objects.
The tendency to retreat within the family space is a manifest tendency in adolescence. The end of childhood behind, with its “disbelief” in the parents, is marked by a hostile retreat into the enclosure of “his” room, at least until the sudden act of de-confinement takes place. The name of Alexis, one of the earliest saints, deserves to be given to a “complex” that provides a clinical paradigm: the saint finds a way to secretly infiltrate the father’s house incognito and lead a double life there, after having sought a wholesome Elsewhere outside of his family’s ideals. How can one not see in this a major fantasy of adolescence, one that is confirmed by Kafka’s Metamorphosis? It is troubling to find this reduced to a syndrome outside time and culture in the phenomenon of Hikikomori – the “self-sequestration” of Japanese adolescents – when it sheds light on the unconscious drama reconstituted here.
À partir de « journaux de confinement » tenus par des adolescents/jeunes adultes, narrant le vivre-ensemble familial en période de crise sanitaire et du confinement corollaire, l’auteure s’intéresse à la chambre de l’adolescent, sa polysémie et les investissements multiples et variés dont elle peut être l’objet à un moment où toute une famille est « cloîtrée ». Mal-être et résilience cohabitent alors et caractérisent cette « culture de la chambre » emblématique de l’hypermodernité.
Que vit un corps derrière l’écran ? L’écran sert autant à dévoiler qu’à masquer. Nous interrogerons au travers de deux vignettes cliniques de séance en visioconférence la question de la présence et de la circulation des sens de part et d’autre de l’écran. Voir le monde assis derrière son écran, est-ce véritablement la même chose que de prendre part à ce monde ? Voir ou habiter faudrait-il choisir ?
Le caractère inédit de la pandémie de la Covid a participé à l’affaiblissement des résistances psychiques mettant à jour bien souvent les vécus traumatiques jusqu’alors occultés. Dans ce contexte, le vécu traumatique a pu être sollicité à triple valence : par l’effet du confinement, par le recours omniprésent au numérique, et enfin par l’installation générale des téléconsultations dans les soins psychiques. Nous discuterons de cette sollicitation multiple du traumatique à la lumière de la compréhension du processus adolescent.
Le confinement a été un révélateur chimique de la qualité de relation des adolescents avec leurs parents. Certains se sont épanouis en vivant une disponibilité inattendue de leurs parents ; d’autres ont souffert d’être cantonnés dans une proximité pénible avec eux. Certains ont continué de se voir en groupe sans souci des précautions sanitaires. Des lockdown parties se sont tenues de manière clandestine, comme bien des fêtes après le déconfinement dans la même suspension des gestes de prévention. L’article analyse ces transgressions comme une manière de fabriquer de l’intensité d’être, dans l’ambivalence d’un « Je sais bien mais quand même ».
Referring to our psycho-sociological research and to several years of reflexive interviews with adolescents, I analyze the way in which the housing project, a space for daily living and belonging, constitutes both a place of refuge and a risk of fixation. In the face of stigma, the adolescent peer group welcomes and protects; it also represents a place of confinement, both in the psychical sense and the sense of material survival. Getting out of the projects requires important steps made up of failures and successes. All leave this adolescent situation, the paths are many, and the recourse to Islam is more and more one of the ways.
Starting with the ambivalent way the delinquent minor is regarded, this article will show how at different times one favors either prevention and education or – because the delinquent is perceived more as a danger to society – exclusion and confinement.
A story that is continually being played out around the issue of « open » or « closed » institutions.
The impression of being locked up in the world of illness, hospitals and medicine is part of what adolescents experience while undergoing treatment for cancer. This impression is exacerbated when they receive high-dose chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant in protective isolation. Confinement combines with and exasperates all aspects of their experience of cancer, especially the perturbation of their relationship with their body (which becomes strange or unfamiliar) and with others (withdrawal, flight, excessive demands, anger), of their sense of identity, difficulties in formulating and expressing their ideas, fear of thinking. Their parents are also upset. In order to help these adolescents live through this phase of their treatment and this confinement without being destabilized and, subsequently, to rid themselves of its psychical repercussions, psychoanalysts need to be sufficiently aware of the reality of this experience so that they can work on the elements of which it is composed and not on a rough definition of what it is and what phantasms it evokes. We describe first the elements involved in these treatments then the landmarks which can guide the psychoanalyst in these particularly difficult and complex situations.
Confinement of children in all its forms does not go without saying. With reference to three major legal texts and using her own professional experience as controller general of environments where individuals are deprived of freedom, the author offers a consideration of the different reasons given for the confinement of minors, the principles which are subject to debate and the different effects of such confinement. Adolescence, 2013, 30, 4, 823-841.
Revue semestrielle de psychanalyse, psychopathologie et sciences humaines, indexée AERES au listing PsycINFO publiée avec le concours du Centre National du Livre et de l’Université de Paris Diderot Paris 7