Archives par mot-clé : Shame

Zohra Guerraoui, Denis Pelissie, Françoise Gouzvinski: incarcerated minors: shame and identity issues

This article focuses on incarcerated adolescents from immigrant families. Analysis of their discourse shows that they feel rejected by society, are ashamed to be themselves and suffer from identity issues. Legitimizing their speech within the context of a support group helps them become receptive to an encounter and enables them to make sense of their transgressions and their history. In this way they have been able to make the psychic adjustments necessary for elaborating their cultural compromise, which helps them to be reconciled with their multiple affiliations.

Adolescence, 2018, 36, 1, 57-67.

Ouriel Rosenblum: hate thwarted, destructiveness hardened

In the context of a two-stage treatment (family therapy during childhood, individual therapy during adolescence), this article will examine the case of Julien, the only sibling in his family to have been contaminated in utero by his mother’s HIV. The author will try to pinpoint the genesis of the thwarted hate, as well the process by which the transmission was melancholized, bearing witness to the destructiveness occupies the place of hatred.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 2, 383-394.

Olivier Douville: violence, hatred and shame

Looking at several field studies in West Africa and Southeast Asia, this article will attempt to show the feelings of shame and hate which can be such a hindrance when the subject, excluded from social links by political and social violence, is asked to find a new foundation in the threads of a dialogue in which the logic of legitimacy, affiliation and kinship could be reconfigured.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 2, 311-321.

Nathalie Zilkha : shame(s)

With reference to fundamental aspects of the adolescent process, the author explores the issue of the transformation of experiences of shame at this age, their disorganization and reorganization. She emphasizes the things that contribute to the often traumatic character of shame and its impact on the subject’s narcissism, especially passivation in the face of the genital and pre-genital drive emergences of puberty, and the modifying of identifications.

André Brousselle : Masculine Masochism and Feminine Masochism in Adolescence

Masochism is studied here in its identity-forming, and thus sexually-differentiated, aim. Viewed as other ways of being a man or a woman, the masculin(izing) masochism of the woman and the femin(izing) masochism of the man emerge from paradox and stand out clearly at crucial times of life: thus in adolescence, masochism is often a mandatory passage on the way to sexual differentiation, sometimes taking the form of initiation, savage or cultural.

Gérard Bonnet : symptom and conversion

The term conversion, proposed early on by Freud, designates the passage of a psychical expression to its somatic manifestation. The author recalls why he has proposed a wider conception of this term, which would extend the capacity for conversion to include a potential that is intrinsic to the symptom as structure. He then raises the question of the status of this notion in adolescence. At this age we see not only conversions in the strict sense of the term, but the long process one must go through often assumes some feature of conversion in its larger sense. This trajectory is commented upon using a case of transitory soliloquy, already evoked in an article about shame, which is related to a conversion of the philosophical or religious type. This serves as an opportunity for pointing out the respective roles played by ideals, affect, and fantasy, the « stranger other », and especially, to be more precise about what the capacity for conversion consists of. It is a spring that ensures the containment of precocious seductions, and of the reactions to these, giving the subject the ability to regress and rebound, to close up and reopen, indispensable to anchoring him in the universe where he is called to live.

David le Breton : between jackass and happy slapping, an erasure of shame

The paternal law founded on the prohibition is giving way to a maternal presence based rather on confidence which fosters hedonism. Contemporary adolescence is a world marked by the mother, by the absence of limits, regression. The fear of losing face, of feeling shame or responsibility for one’s behaviour is no longer at the top of the agenda. On the contrary, the adepts of Jackass and happy slapping are perfect illustrations of contemporary individualism and indifference to the other person. Their ego has no other people to whom it could be held accountable.

Olivier Ouvry, Eric Bidaud : dysmorphophobia, pubertary process and adolescent process

Dysmorphophobic fears refer to apprehensions about what a position sexually differentiated as either masculine or feminine can evoke regarding a commitment that cannot be maintained in others’ eyes. Starting with the conviction that a shameful negativity is contained within an imaginary hole in the body, the adolescent boy or girl feels excluded from social interplay and from all registers of seduction, and takes refuge in this outcast condition, thus « taking a vacation » from the trials of sexual difference. Also, the whole problematic of veiling situates the adolescent towards what we could call his « re-visagification », a necessary response to his questioning within the field of the exchange of gazes.

In this article, we will define a path which may be traced along a circle whose two ends do not come together, but which form an ascending spiral: the starting point is the real of the body, the initial evidence of the pubertary process, experiences as the Other sex (the Feminine), then the experience of shame, of dysmorphophobia, and of the creation of the aesthetic object for covering up that experience of emptiness.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 801-818.