Archives de catégorie : ENG – Créer ou déprimer – 2011 T.29 n°4

Gérard Pirlot : subjectivation-action in rimbaud

Using both the biography and the poetry of Arthur Rimbaud, the author proposes three hypotheses : first, in the early, poetic, part of the poet’s life, Rimbaud’s writing served as a means of deflection and refraction of the psyche that enabled him to create the « third party » space that his father could not or did not know how to hold in face of the mother’s omnipresence. The second part of his life was in Africa, the place where the father had lived and the place of « the right to go away » (Baudelaire) which would serve this « deflective modality », a form of « subjectivation-action » which is proper to adolescence. The second point is that a number of Rimbaud’s poetic pieces were, as Piera Aulagnier has shown elsewhere, so many projections of a reconstruction of the past into the future, operations which are indispensable to adolescent narcissism. Thirdly, the melancholic movement proper to adolescent subjective construction finds in the writing of poetry (brilliantly in Rimbaud, more commonly in other pubescent youngsters, including in their songs) an evanescent object that can always be found again, compulsively, in and through, the « writing work » that confronts the adolescent with the « work of melancholy » around the lost primary object.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 913-926.

Philippe Gutton : pubertary sublimation

This text brings together earlier work using various approaches, in order better to define pubertary sublimation. It is a set of processes involving the pubertary experience towards subjectalization and adolescent objectalization. It is expressed at the level of the archaic through the interpretation that the extended infantile brings to pubertary traces. Secondarily, it presides over the construction of the ideals of adolescence. If subjectalization is in fact an inter-subjectalization, one can speak of a co-sublimation which has its origins in the state of pubertary illusion and disillusionment. The parental subject of the transference is its mouthpiece. The prevailing process of adolescent creation, sublimation would here be organized by the control compulsion of the Ego and its ideals as they have been rearranged between childhood and adolescence.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 895-912.

Sylvie Saudan-Henny : to the words’ core, west of the su*

Justine is a teenager who presents a limited functioning, her main symptoms being provoked and repeated vomiting. She ejects food as she evacuates thought. She invests acts by getting rid of intern tension. The outbreak of sexuality reinforces the impossibility to invest a passive position as if she was reactivating the original time of seduction. The author describes the difficulty to find her position in the psychotherapeutic area, considering the failure of the patient’s psychic staging. First condemned to expulsion, and searching to counter her experience of passivity, she evokes the dangerous ordeal that represents the melancholic approach of otherness’ recognition toward the object in the intern traces left by it.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 875-893.

Isée Bernateau : identity processes : the singularity of an adolescent with a violent father*

Identity, and the inherent processes are suceptible to modification and alterations turning to cultural models may be a means of support. Linking culture and image by mirroring and impressing, reflecting and expressing creates and maintains an identity dynamique.

In the age of globalization, neo-identities are created through cross-culture models,  models with attributes of invincibility and inviolabilty. Adherence to these neo-identities summon a violence susceptible of hatred of others.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 863-873.

Antoine Kattar : adolescents living in lebanon : a process of identity construction in the grip of a double threat*

This article aims to show forces impacting on the development of teenagers living in Lebanon during their formative years, by seeking to understand the relationship of the socio-historical context of the country on the psychological difficulties related to adolescence. The analysis of a clinical interview conducted with a teenager living in Beirut is compared with the author’s own personal experience, and led the author to demonstrate a confrontation between « the experience level of personal crisis » and that related to « political crisis ». The hypothesis is a repetition of the threat inherent in the psychic process of teen development by added weight of external threat of political situations.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 849-861.

Henri Cohen-Solal : living as an adolescent in israel

This article bears witness to thirty years work with « at-risk youth », Noar Besikoum, encountered in Beit Ham youth homes in Israel. The author shows how the social and historical context, against the background of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, influences the way these youngsters, particularly Israeli youths, experience and get through adolescence.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 843-848.

Dominique Reniers, Serge Lesourd : originary fantasies and adolescent re-veiling

The concept of originary fantasy was not really theoretically developed in Freud’s work. However, these originary fantasies hold considerable interest insofar as they are an instance of the original real. Analytical literature shows that they are often confused with childhood sexual theories. Here it is a matter of grasping the particular value in what, in adolescence, is marked by the reactualization of a primordial enjoyment, that of the flesh which is outside of phallic law. Such an analysis leads to an investigation of adolescent hystericization in the two paths of sexual differentiation founded by it, which are supported precisely by an originary fantasmatic dimension oriented towards the containment for the girl, and towards the protest against the Other’s demand in the boy.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 819-841.

Olivier Ouvry, Eric Bidaud : dysmorphophobia, pubertary process and adolescent process

Dysmorphophobic fears refer to apprehensions about what a position sexually differentiated as either masculine or feminine can evoke regarding a commitment that cannot be maintained in others’ eyes. Starting with the conviction that a shameful negativity is contained within an imaginary hole in the body, the adolescent boy or girl feels excluded from social interplay and from all registers of seduction, and takes refuge in this outcast condition, thus « taking a vacation » from the trials of sexual difference. Also, the whole problematic of veiling situates the adolescent towards what we could call his « re-visagification », a necessary response to his questioning within the field of the exchange of gazes.

In this article, we will define a path which may be traced along a circle whose two ends do not come together, but which form an ascending spiral: the starting point is the real of the body, the initial evidence of the pubertary process, experiences as the Other sex (the Feminine), then the experience of shame, of dysmorphophobia, and of the creation of the aesthetic object for covering up that experience of emptiness.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 801-818.

Christian Bonnet, Stéphanie Pechikoff : adolescent romance and pubertary scenes

We suggest the notion of adolescent romance, to be understood in this way : the articulation of the structure of the family romance with pubertary scenes, as « new » scenes or composition/creations, within a dimension that is more elaborative than defensive. The adolescent romance is not a simple re-issue, but rather the creation of a desiring scenario whose movement requires three logical steps: a switching on of the structures of family romance ; then, the highlighting of pubertary scenes composed of « blazons » attached to the desiring axes ; and lastly, a narrative movement which produces this adolescent romans in the transference in the clinical exchanges. In the cases of Gunther and Celeste, the romances are analyzed, their forms as well as their functions of elaboration and of psychical construction in the service of adolescens processes. The adolescent romance, when it reveals itself in the transference, is specific and is distinguished from the Freudian family romance by the representativeness of the pubertary scenes.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 787-800.

Houari Maïdi : églantine*

The teenager is extremely sensitive to his image. This one is dreaded as much as invested with strength and fascination. In this article, we present an observation that illustrates the complex and ambivalent perceptions of a body full of diverse troubles. A body which seems to be the Pandora’s box of all the fears arisen from the childhood and from the adolescence, and a body-shop window, a narcissistic facade by the glance of the other one, but at the same time being afraid that this glance sees inside herself, its intimacy, its thoughts, its fears, where from this frequent paranoid aspect in the adolescence.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 779-785.