Archives par mot-clé : Construction

Francesca Di Giacomo, Solène Martin, Gaelle Paupe, Hélène Lida-Pulik: collusions and constructions

In the current way of receiving adolescents and their parents at the Maison des Adolescents of Yvelines Sud, the biggest pitfall for the therapeutic staff is the risk of collusion with certain defense mechanisms of the youngsters and/or their families. Such collusions can hamper the work of narration and co-construction during encounters, starting with the representations of the adolescents, of their entourage, their difficulties finding their way and the resources available to them in their territory.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 3, 493-502.

Francesca Di Giacomo, Solène Martin, Gaelle Paupe, Hélène Lida-Pulik : collusions et constructions

Dans le dispositif d’accueil des adolescents et de leurs parents à la Maison des Adolescents Yvelines Sud, un des principaux écueils pour les thérapeutes-accueillants est le risque de collusion avec certains mécanismes défensifs des jeunes et/ou de leurs familles. Ces collusions peuvent entraver le travail de narration et de co-construction, au cours des rencontres, à partir des représentations des adolescents, de leur environnement proche, des difficultés dans leur parcours et des ressources sur leur territoire.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 3, 493-502.


A teanager and his body : this article could be entitled that way. In my practice as a psychotherapist using body-oriented mediations (danse, among other means), I deal with the body, gestures, movement. I also deal with psychological construction. After presenting a clinical work realized with a teenager during relaxation or danse, I will offer some theretical and clinical thoughts which underline what the physical work sustains in the construction of the subject.


When adolescent creativeness is unable to reconstruct the I-Ego taking into account the newness of puberty, the psychoanalyst must invent a specific practice : construction work with which the adolescent can identify. When adolescent creativeness is unshared and unable to be shared, the treatment should offer common ground where a two-person perlaboration can develop, in which the conditions (usually infantile) of the impasse (breakdown) will be imagined together. We will discuss : modes of intervention, particularly their flexibility and their limits ; the difference it makes whether the adolescent brings material to the session or not ; the process in play in the analyst’s constructions (in this case sublimation, which is opposed to the control exercised by the ideal) ; the implicit risk of deconstruction in any imaginary suggestion made by the analyst.

Bernard Penot : Psychoanalytical Teamwork : Return to an Early Point in the Subjectivizing Process

Psychoanalytical teamwork is recommended in the treatment of the particular form of transference that routinely occurs in the institutional treatment of young patients suffering from psychotic disorders or from behavioral pathology (borderline cases). The degree of alienation is such that repetition will tend to be induced in the other – the therapist, in this case – due to the absence of constituted fantasy in certain sectors of the patient’s psyche. It is as if the restitution (Freud, 1937) and subjective appropriation of these elements by the patient necessitated a detour through the psychical space of the caregivers (which is very trying for them), obliging them first of all to elaborate these subjective elements among themselves.

Philippe Gutton: the trace of the pubertaire

The experience of the pubertaire has a central place in the treatment of the adult. It is the trace out of which the dream and the psychical work of the adolescens develop. Affirming and confirming its innovative value in the revisiting of childhood sexuality inspires images in dreams in the wake of adolescent subjectivation. This point of view justifies interventions aimed at deconstructing infantile phallic theories whose rigidity is liable to stifle the pubertaire.

Ignacio Melo : notes on hirsch’s « constructions and interpretations in adolescence : from the future anterior to the re-composed past »

Taking off from a reading of D. Hirsch on « Constructions and interpretations in adolescence : from the future anterior to the re-composed past », the author will develop the idea of a form of construction particular to analytical work with adolescents, which confronts splittings of the systems of functioning and the contents carried by these.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°4, pp. 1039-1049.

Denis Hirsch : constructions and interpretations in adolescence : from the future anterior to the re-composed past

Transferences in adolescence are not just regressive and infantile, but also progressive and pubertary. The puberty traumatic economy requires some time to construct an intermediary space out of a shared narrativity that transforms non-figurable pubertary experiences into scenarios that can be shared. The adolescent’s narratives are revisited as creations not to be interpreted as such, at least not at first. The analyst’s constructions upon this intermediary narrative object leave open the possibility of a narrative revisiting, found-created by the adolescent, without having to pronounce on its origin, in a game of active mastery for him. This phase is necessary to assure a subjectivizing narrative identity. The risk of a splitting of narcissistic and objectal transferences, and of an avoidance of « classical » interpretive work, is highlighted. The work of construction implies in the analyst a counter-transference work on the adolescent in the analyst and on his « adolescent sexual theories ».

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°4, pp. 1027-1037

Gianluigi Monniello : constructions of the hero in adolescence

The author uses two significant definitions of the hero by L. Ariosto and B. Fioretti to describe first, the natural need to construct, in imagination, the figure of the hero as a possible contribution to adolescent psychical functioning and as an adequate imaginary reference point for creating oneself and one’s own ars vivendi. Then, in order to highlight how the encounter with the adolescent also implies that there is something in him that goes beyond the natural process of construction inherent to development and hero-playing in childhood, the author describes three possible co-existing forces that can lead to heroism, with very different results, and which are available to adolescents. The first impulse, which is reactive, is the impulse to continue bravely seeking and recovering the values of the past ; the second impulse, which is positive and differentiating, encourages the adolescent to detach himself from the worlds that produced him and from their internal and external influences ; the third, which is creative, is the one that makes him faithful to his original sensory experiences by pushing him, unconsciously, to « do what he can ».
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 327-344.

Bernard Penot : travailler psychanalytiquement à plusieurs : la reprise d’un temps premier du processus subjectivant.

Un travail psychanalytique à plusieurs est indiqué pour traiter cette forme particulière de transfert qui survient régulièrement dans le traitement institutionnel de jeunes patients souffrant de troubles psychotiques ou d’une pathologie de comportement (cas limites). Le degré d’aliénation est alors tel en effet que la répétition va tendre à être induite dans l’autre – le thérapeute en l’occurrence – en l’absence d’un fantasme constitué dans certains secteurs du psychisme du patient. Tout se passe comme si la restitution (Freud, 1937) et l’appropriation subjective de ces éléments par le patient nécessitaient un détour dans l’espace psychique des soignants (de façon souvent éprouvante pour ceux-ci), les obligeant dès lors à élaborer avant tout ces données subjectives entre eux.