Archives par mot-clé : Splitting

François Richard: is their father still Oedipal?

This article proposes the new concept of a primary Oedipus complex that is structurally deformed by the pressure of infantile polymorph sexuality in both normal and pathological development. Correlatively, splitting is considered internal to all repression. A clinical case is used to illustrate the dialectic of an incestuous regressive psychical relationship with the primal maternal object in an adolescent boy and his attempts to make a third-party paternal referent out of fragments of a representation of the Oedipal father.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 1, 29-42.

Maria Zafeiropoulou : two characters … in search of an author

Through the exploration of a clinical case, this article will discuss what is at stake in the process of subjectivation in the adolescent, and also the obstacles that stand in the way of the process. The adolescent, confronted with internal and external otherness, tries to ensure the continuity of his identity even as he is undergoing transformation. We will show how the therapeutic encounter, as a transitional space, can foster the play of identifications and the gradual uniting of the of the split-off parts of the personality that is undergoing subjectivation.

Adolescence, 2022, 40, 2, 309-320.

Claude Monneret: pornography and the deferred action of the Oedipus complex

I will discuss the treatment of two adolescents presenting a heightened oedipal crisis linked to early disturbances in the relation with the primal object, and for whom the use of pornographic representations and practices is a defense against the traumatic threat of incestuous attraction to the mother and against the genital relation, which brings issues of the relation with another person. This regressive, defensive sexuality touches many adolescents to different degrees at the onset of the crisis of adolescence.

Adolescence, 2019, 37, 1, 59-70.

Camille Enshaian, Maurice Corcos : the haiku, the preferred support for projection in a borderline adolescent

The interest of using the haiku form in a writing workshop for borderline adolescents in a psychiatric hospital will be studied through the writings of an adolescent girl. The rhythm and brevity required by the haiku leads the girl to fully inscribe the cry of a memory of an absence, to write what is still missing from spoken words. The omnipresence of line breaks in this type of poem and the splitting at work in the moment of writing will then enable the inscription of her psychic pain.

Adolescence, 2018, 36, 1, 213-222.

François Richard: Jihadi terrorism

This article is a continuation of the book The Current Malaise in Culture: the split between the civilized current and aggression against culture feeds into a disavowal of the destructiveness at work in group psychology and even in critical thought – so that judgment is suspended. The superego is weakened, then perverted. Radical Islamism is a typical form of sadistic, paranoiac superego, much more than a result of fragile narcissistic identity.

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 1, 119-134.

Stéphanie Barouh-Cohen: the body of the ineffable

The process of adolescence involves readjustments of identity and identification necessitating work of psychization that is indispensable in ensuring a feeling of continuity. Its failure puts the subject at risk of being dominated by the “de-objectalizing function” of his psychical economy, thus preventing any living form of creativity and expression. The work of analysis may then proceed by way of the sensorial, using the displacement in the transference of unassimilated sensorial impressions, coming very close to the “body of the ineffable”, between impasse and creativity.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 787-796.

Laurent Tigrane Tovmassian : Sexual Aggression and Pubertal Transformation, Potentializing Traumatic Intrusion?

This paper concerns clinical work with sexual aggression experienced in adolescence, in the fright and bewilderment after the violation. We first revisit the issue of the revival specific to post-traumatic repetition of trauma, hypothesizing the existence of a traumatic latency period when the prevailing traumatic process would suspend the subject’s work of readjustment, bonding, and symbolization. Can such aggressions and their fixed yet active psychic aftermath, characterized by the return of the identical, be joined with registers of fantasy proper to adolescence and to the transformation of the body in puberty? Or are we dealing with two internal foreign bodies, opening on their own and attacking the subject when the latter is caught between a rock and a hard place?

Adolescence, T. 31 n°1, pp. 77-86.


The understanding of the clinical and therapeutical approach of severe behaviour disorders in terms of rape and murder with some adolescents is here studied from the point of view of projective techniques. The specificity of T.A.T. protocoles shows the temporary efficiency of splitting at work with such adolescents but also its failure when the representation of object‑loss is appealed to, hence summoning up a huge abandonment and annihilation anxiety which will entail drive defusion. The tonality of an internal lethal void is hence unfolded within a narcissism constantly threatened by being broken down into pieces.


The understanding of the clinical and therapeutical approach of severe behaviour disorders in terms of rape and murder with some adolescents is here studied from the point of view of projective techniques. The specificity of T.A.T. protocoles shows the temporary efficiency of splitting at work with such adolescents but also its failure when the representation of object-loss is appealed to, hence summoning up a huge abandonment and annihilation anxiety which will entail drive defusion. The tonality of an internal lethal void is hence unfolded within a narcissism constantly threatened by being broken down into pieces.

Jean-Claude Elbez : the psychosomatic and processes of adolescence

Adolescence, with its pubertaire and subjectivation processes, is an especially delicate moment when primary traumas are revisited as deferred action. In cases where these conflicts have remained on the margins of representation and have generated psychical defenses along the lines of splitting, the processes of puberty will lead to a return of what has been split off ; where repression has occurred, they will lead to a return of what has been repressed. In both cases, the risk is that what returns will be an unbound destructiveness, paving the way for drive disintrication, or even the “ de-driving ” of the drive, so that it turns into instinct, with the risk of somatic disorganization.