Archives par mot-clé : Repression

Roxane Dejours: Preparatory classes

Using a study conducted with fifty-one students in preparatory programs, this article will try to show how the restraints that govern the transmission of knowledge in preparatory courses cause these students to have resort to defensive strategies which, though they permit them to struggle effectively against suffering, tend to thwart the resolution of late adolescent conflicts and deeply upset identity.

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 2, 361-370.

Roxane Dejours : Classes préparatoires

À partir d’une recherche menée auprès de cinquante et un étudiants de classes préparatoires, cet article cherche à montrer comment les contraintes encadrant la transmission des savoirs en classe préparatoire conduisent ces élèves à recourir à des stratégies défensives qui, bien que leur permettant de lutter efficacement contre la souffrance, tendent à se constituer comme un obstacle à la résolution des conflits de la fin de l’adolescence et à générer des bouleversement profonds dans leur identité.

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 2, 361-370.

Catherine Chabert: The transference, at its origins

The beginnings of adolescent and young adult treatments are tested by transference feelings that are highly mobilized from the outset. Drive excitation and ambivalence characterize the analytical situation and the resistances reinforced by the fear of betraying primal love objects. The treatment of a twenty-three years old obsessive man, examined in the light of the Rat Man case, supports this hypothesis.

Adolescence, 2017, 35, 1, 9-20.

Anne Boisseuil: disgust in adolescence, a creative process?

This article will study disgust expressed by the adolescent girl as an expression of creative subjective movements. We will study its evolution in the therapeutic process. Disgust will be a way of understanding the interweaving of drives in this young girl. Disgust will be examined from the perspective of its archaic and genitalized links.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 2, 367-381.

Laetitia Petit: le sport, a cultural object?

Among activities that are supposed to be cultural, sport has been revived as an object of culture and education. Engaging in sports, whether intensively, competitively or remedially, is an offshoot of the cultural superego and represents the paradigm of a more general phenomenon: the strictness of the cultural superego. As a response to the adolescent passage, the sporting solution can thus represent an exemplary alternative allowing one to avoid the adolescent process, insofar as it seals off, more or less effectively, all the tension associated with the trauma of this sexual encounter.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 307-315.

Laetitia Petit : le sport, un objet culturel ?

Parmi les activités supposées culturelles, le sport a été récupéré comme un objet de culture et d’éducation. La pratique sportive, qu’elle soit intensive, de compétition ou de (re)mise en forme, est un rejeton du surmoi culturel et représente le paradigme d’un phénomène plus général : la sévérité surmoïque culturelle. Ainsi, la solution sportive comme réponse au passage adolescent peut représenter une alternative exemplaire pour éviter le processus adolescent, en ce qu’elle colmate, plus ou moins efficacement, toute tension liée au trauma de cette rencontre sexuelle.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 307-315.

Jean-Claude Elbez : the psychosomatic and processes of adolescence

Adolescence, with its pubertaire and subjectivation processes, is an especially delicate moment when primary traumas are revisited as deferred action. In cases where these conflicts have remained on the margins of representation and have generated psychical defenses along the lines of splitting, the processes of puberty will lead to a return of what has been split off ; where repression has occurred, they will lead to a return of what has been repressed. In both cases, the risk is that what returns will be an unbound destructiveness, paving the way for drive disintrication, or even the “ de-driving ” of the drive, so that it turns into instinct, with the risk of somatic disorganization.

Yvon Brès : Solitude: Sulking

The pangs of solitude, traditionally linked with isolation, but which may also be of a depressive kind, are liable to be associated with the childhood and adult attitude of sulking, which consists in pretending a certain kind of of pain in order to blackmail one’s neighbor. Sulking has noxious physiological effects, but also a few secondary benefits (especially apparent in Rousseau’ Rêveries du promeneur solitaire). Finally, it may trigger repressions, resulting in the disappearance of its meaning and turning “ intentional ” behavior into a set of negatively experienced symptoms. The restitution of the original meaning of such behavior may argue in favor of a psychoanalysis emphasizing the dimension of the “ subject ”.

François Richard : discussion 1

The author highlights the original axes of Kari Hauge’s clinical presentation: which combines an accommodation of the regression of the adolescent girl as in the treatment of a child with an encountering technique based on the specificity of the adolescent dimension – the formulation of interpretations both of unconscious content and of the actual relation between the patient and the analyst. This practice allows for an elaboration of infantile Oedipus complexes re-actualized by adolescence while facilitating a resumption of the process of subjectivation, once the needs of dependence have been acknowledged.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°1, pp. 29-40.

Myriam Boubli : le corps protecteur du soma à l’adolescence

S’il n’est pas possible pour un adolescent de se défendre au niveau de son Moi en tolérant la dépression et si les voies du comportement moteur ne s’ouvrent pas, il ne lui reste guère comme solution que la voie de la déliaison somatique signalant des expériences de désubjectivation dues à l’effraction d’excitations pulsionnelles dans un Moi immature. C’est le cas des adolescents trop sages, trop conformistes, chez qui la voie du passage à l’acte est inhibée.