Archives par mot-clé : Sensoriality

Romain Gady, Élise Pelladeau: control with distancing in the violent sexual acts

Using a clinical case, we will argue that the violent sexual act is a condensed expression of an adolescent process punctuated by control and attempts to break free. Based on the analysis of transference movements, we will develop the idea that this act attests to an attempt to break free from (narcissistic and objectal) confinement, an attempt that transference will try to support, put to work, and transform on the way towards symbolization.

Adolescence, 2024, 42, 1, 57-69.

Pascale Baligand: Writing and adolescent sensoriality: Virginia Woolf’s the waves.

In this article, the author uses Virginia Woolf’s novel The Waves to explore the place of sensoriality in adolescence. By putting into perspective the particular qualities of Virgina Woolf’s writing, which has been characterized as sensorial, the article will try to shed light on the links between sensoriality, continuity of being, and the redeployments of identification and subjectivation of loss in adolescence, especially as seen in the relations between the protagonists and the key character of Perceval.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 3, 651-661.

Anne Boisseuil: sensorial temporalities in search of meaning in an adolescent girl

Using the treatment of an adolescent girl received in consultation for hallucinatory symptoms, we offer a reading of the patient’s subjective expressions from temporal perspective. We will base our reflections on the actualization of primary links where sensoriality may become a road leading to the conquest of subjectivation. Because of this, we will explore the role of the adolescent’s current environment as a support in this work.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 847-856.

Laurent Branchard, Gérard Pirlot: the work of preventing sensorial impingement

The work of the negative in adolescence is here presented as contributing to alexithymia insofar as it entails an avoidance of a traumatic sensoriality. So adolescence may be understood not only as a reactivation of the Oedipus complex, but also as a risk of sensorial resurgence akin to that which occurs at the beginning of life. A treatment based on sensoriality is conceivable.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 835-846.

Chantal Lheureux-Davidse: sensoriality and conquest of the corporal ego in young autistic patients

Helping young autists with new corporal feelings and their fluctuations during the passage through puberty opens up new ways of calming when there is impingement by the drives. The pubertary passage which gives rise to a sensory awakening in the lower body can also help to restart the construction of an unfinished corporal ego and subsequently make the autistic youth more likely to be spontaneously interested in the relation with other people.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 821-833.

Sylvie Le Poulichet: creating paradoxical sensorial envelopes

On the basis of strange sensorial formations and theories that seem like delusions, this article will present the notions of “creation of paradoxical sensorial envelopes” and “fantasy theories of adolescence”. The reliance on sensoriality is neither a deficiency nor a regression, but rather a paradoxical creation, both protecting and persecuting, which enables the elaboration in the transference of repressed traces of the infantile sexual unconscious, joined with corporal and fantasy compositions proper to adolescence.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 809-820.

Stéphanie Barouh-Cohen: the body of the ineffable

The process of adolescence involves readjustments of identity and identification necessitating work of psychization that is indispensable in ensuring a feeling of continuity. Its failure puts the subject at risk of being dominated by the “de-objectalizing function” of his psychical economy, thus preventing any living form of creativity and expression. The work of analysis may then proceed by way of the sensorial, using the displacement in the transference of unassimilated sensorial impressions, coming very close to the “body of the ineffable”, between impasse and creativity.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 787-796.

Olivier Ouvry: passion and sensoriality

The adolescent process, through the unconscious readjustment that it entails, involves the integration of a new sensoriality that does not correspond to the symbolic order inherited from childhood, but corresponds to the arrival of the Feminine (Other sex) and the enjoyment of the Other. It is an effect of the pubertary real, a real whose outcome is a defining issue of the adolescent phase. How to move from this to an object caught up in reality, inscribed as the cause of desire and integrated into the obligations of the social realm?

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 745-756.

Jean-Yves Chagnon: the making of a monster: from devastated sensoriality to homicidal violence

Examining the case of an adolescent rapist and murderer post mortem, this article presents the failures of adolescent creation and the reappearance, in the form of monstrous acts of violence, of a devastated sensoriality from early childhood. Structural psychopathology is not enough to account for this case. Nevertheless, psychodynamic psychocriminality attempts to describe a language of body and act, a preliminary to a multidimensional “incarcerated” treatment which could perhaps help such subjects recover a part of their humanity.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 735-744.

Catherine Matha: murdered adolescence: between dream and sensoriality

This article will attempt to investigate the importance of the self-informing function of sensoriality in adolescence in its connections with dream work, of which figurability is an essential component. These reflections are supported by the narrative of the process of the treatment of an adolescent engaged in compulsive body-attacking conduct.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 719-733.