Archives par mot-clé : Adolescence

joëlle bordet : no ser reconocido, no reconocerse como ciudadano francés

En éste artículo tratamos de analizar las dificultades de los jóvenes a reconocerse y ser reconocidos como franceses. La complejidad de las relaciones hacia el estatuto nacional, engendra a veces inseguridades profundas y dinámicas victimarias : las leyes actuales sobre la inmigración, refuerzan esos sentimientos y confirman en el caso de los adolescentes el riesgo de exclusión de la sociedad. Es importante de analizar esas dinámicas a partir de un enfoque social pero también psíquico e identificarlos puesto que como educadores o psicólogos uno puede situarse.

Adolescence, 2008, T. 26, n°3, pp. 741-748.

Christophe Rubin : Adolescent rap : from the dismanteling of a rhythm and of a discourse towards the hyper-extension of a vocal representation of the subject.

What is at work with rap is very typical of what is at work during the passage between childhood and adolescence, i.e. processes of alteration of both language and voice. Hence quite a few physiological and psychological transformations can be put at a distance, masked by linguistic and vocal games of the rap.

A text, like  » juvenile poison «  by the group Movez’ Lang may indeed seem as representing the verbal staging of a  » change of skin  » : everything takes place as if the rappers wanted to dismember a prosody, a narrative discourse, a self representation specific of childhood in order to impose rhythmically and metaphorically an over-dimensioned vocal representation, very widely covering the voice and speech specific to the subject both within its excesses and its willingly stereotyped characteristic.

Indeed it thus envelops and veils individual subjectivity within a both prudish and suggestive interplay.

Catherine Wieder :  » A speech is being hidden « , african adolescence and psychopathology

After having analyzed in depth a file coming from Africa, the author gathers the characteristics of adolescents in Benin, Niger, Ivory Coast, Senegal, ZaÔr, Burkina Faso and some African migrants in France. If these adolescents, for most of them, seem to share the very same psychological problems as their French contemporaries, theory, as far as it is concerned, remains deeply influenced by the French but also is only too little influenced by the sociological specificities of these countries.

Claude Thiaudire : Adolescents’ use : how to reduce the disorders of the epidemics

Starting from the realizing that prevention of Aids among adolescents and youths is important whereas the epidemics is of mediocre concern to that population, the author begins to ponder on the complexities of the social representations associating Aids and adolescence, starting from the idea that such categories result from a task of the social institutions. Hence developing a prevention discourse on Aids with those categories entails Aids to be thus integrated into a consensus discourse rather that speaking in terms of marginal categories (homosexuals, addicts, African migrants). When referring to both these categories, what is at stake are patterns of social functioning (the biographical institution in the case of adolescence, the territorial group for youth). Such a reading of the action of prevention shows the underlying political splitting, i.e. on the one hand, adolescence that should be protected from the risks run by Aids ; on the other hand, youth that should be protected from the risk run by society due to Aids.


Chantal Frère-Artinian : genocide and adolescence-work

The example of the story of Wahram Altounian, a survivor of the 1915 Armenian genocide at the age of fourteen, shows how an adolescent can undertake what the authors calls an “ adolescence-work ” as a particular form of “ Kulturarbeit ” by the original means of a strategy : a ruse. The massive mobilization of libido for self-preservation, buttressed by paternal identification and a quality of perception that quickly identifies the usefulness of external reality for survival, enables the adolescent to get what Kestemberg calls the “ Oedipal organizer ” going again. However, a traumatic part remains embedded within; it has not attained symbolization and retains a potential for melancholy.

Maja Perret-Catipovic : contribution of psychoanalytic treatment to adolescent war victims

Can clinical psychoanalysis be useful in helping adolescent war victims ? What remains of the specificity of adolescence after serious trauma ? The author attempts to answer these questions by means of three clinical examples of adolescents whose psychical functioning was seriously compromised by traumatic experiences during the war in Bosnia.

Jean-Claude Métraux : from the victim to the actor

This paper presents an intent of synthesis of the symposium and outlines its main results : interpretation of clinical data and critical discussion of post-traumatic disorders ; child soldiers’ psychology; added problem of exile ; reflexions on societal and social memories ; usual trend to the grief dimension; dynamics between individual and community, psychis and society. Il will be proponed to reverse the usual perspective, which implies a simultaneous partial redefinition of psychotherapist’s role, engaged citizen and social actor on the first lines of History.

Raymond Cahn, Nicole Taieb-Flicstein: the outcome of psychoanalytic treatments at adolescence

From the personal experience of the author, the several outcomes of psychoanalytic treatments at adolescence (from the breakdown to the working-through of their termination) are here examined with reference to the specificity of their criteria and modalities according to that age.
Rather than authentic ends of treatments, what is to be elaborated is the liability of giving the experience of treatment the quality of a good-enough experience within a difference accepted by both partners. Thus the possibility of a return, however uncertain it may be, towards a time and place which the youth will have made his.


Catherine Chabert: why use psychodrama at adolescence?

The specificity of psychodrama as compared to other kinds of treatment is here questioned and mainly with regards to difficult adolescents. The author shows how the method being original in terms of setting, intervention technique and interpretation and their effects on transference has a major impact and therapeutic efficiency on those adolescents who wouldnÕt use the traditional approach. On top of that, psychodrama appears to be a very useful clinical and metapsychological tool.

Harold Berh: group analytic psychotherapy at adolescence

The author suggests a detailed analysis of how to set up a true group analytic psychotherapy setting both as far as the preparation and selection of its members, its composition and its first session. Numerous examples are here called forth to illustrate the internal dynamics of the group and the impact of exterior influences.