Archives par mot-clé : Passion

David Vavassori, Sonia Harrati: passion for the act

In adolescents who are incarcerated, psychical ways of functioning based on dependence and passion for the act, are actualized in the setting of the detention center. This article deals with the psychical adjustments of these adolescents and the forms that their violence takes when it emerges. Violent acts thus appear to be a defense against the excitation of the drives induced by “incarceration hyperstimulation” and the relational and institutional promiscuity inherent to the setting of the juvenile detention center.

Adolescence, 2018, 36, 2, 333-348.

David Vavassori, Sonia Harrati : la passion de l’agir

Chez les adolescents incarcérés, les modalités psychiques, basées sur la dépendance et la passion de l’agir, s’actualisent en milieu carcéral. L’article traite des aménagements psychiques de ces sujets ainsi que des modalités d’émergence de la violence. Les agirs violents apparaissent alors comme une modalité défensive en réaction à l’excitation pulsionnelle favorisée par « l’hyper-sollicitation carcérale » et la promiscuité relationnelle/institutionnelle inhérente au dispositif même des EPM.

Adolescence, 2018, 36, 2, 333-348.

Philippe Gutton: the adolescence of lou andreas-salomé with the man-god

Lou Andreas-Salomé emerged from childhood depressive and fell passionately in love with Pastor Hendrik Gillot – parental subject of the transference? – until the moment when she fled his proposal of marriage: the encounter with the adult human other is reduced to the discovery of a figure that reinforces the control of the phallic.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 231-240.

Gérard Pirlot: addictions, passions of the body

Within its very etymology, addiction is tied to passion, an “incarnate” passion whose object would be not another subject, but rather an object that alienates the subject from his body and its needs: a drug or addictive behavior. After a review of the specifics of Freud’s vocabulary giving a glimpse of the links between passion and addiction, the author will describe how addictive conduct is triggered and maintained in adolescence.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 153-163.

Philippe Gutton: passion, a controlling system

Using two formats of the pubertary pictogram (infantile control and pubertary elaboration), it is possible to make a clearer distinction between passion and love. Passion is characterized by a double play of abuse of phallic power to the detriment of the new sexual and, in turn, “breakdown”. Love is a special instance of the intersubjectalisation necessary for adolescent creativity. At the frontier between these states, passion can be loving and love can be passionate. Two clinical examples will be taken from the novels of Hungarian author Sandor Márai.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 33-45.

Philippe Gutton : l’adolescence de lou andreas-salomé avec l’homme-dieu

Lou Andreas-Salomé émerge dépressive de l’enfance et se prend de passion pour le Pasteur Hendrik Gillot. Sujet parental de transfert ? Jusqu’au moment où elle fuit sa demande en mariage : la rencontre de l’autre humain adulte se réduit à la découverte d’une figure renforçant l’emprise de la phallicité.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 231-240.

Gérard Pirlot : les addictions, passions du corps

L’addiction a, dans son étymologie même, rapport avec la passion ; une passion « incarnée » dont l’objet ne serait pas un autre sujet mais un objet aliénant le sujet à son corps et ses besoins : la drogue ou la conduite addictive. Après un rappel sur les spécificités du vocabulaire freudien permettant d’entrevoir les liens entre passion et addiction, l’auteur décrit en quoi la conduite addictive se déclenche et s’entretient à l’adolescence.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 153-163.

Philippe Gutton : la passion, un système d’emprise

Différencier mieux passion et amour à partir des deux formats du pictogramme pubertaire (emprise infantile et élaboration pubertaire). La passion se caractériserait comme un double jeu d’abus de pouvoir phallique au détriment du sexuel nouveau et derechef, un « breakdown ». L’amour est un moment privilégié de l’intersubjectalisation nécessaire à la créativité adolescente. Aux limites entre ces deux états, la passion peut être amoureuse, l’amour devenir passionnel. Deux exemples cliniques sont empruntés aux romans hongrois de Sándor Márai.

Adolescence, 2015, 33, 1, 33-45.


In his book Marilyn, Last Sessions, M. Schneider recounts what happened in the course of thirty months of the last sessions of Marilyn Monroe’s slice of analysis with Ralph Greenson and shows the passionate aspect of this relationship. An explication of the actress’s exhibitionist problematic would have certainly led to a deeper understanding of the issues of this analysis. The author explains the elements of clinical work on exhibitionism, particularly in the woman, in order to show that these elements are quite present here, and they shed much light on how things evolved in this case.


rom a study longitudinal being about children and teenager with high potential, I want to talk about two clever babies development became clever teenagers, and the link between traumatophilia and death. I will develop two clinical cases, one referring to childhood and adolescence of Blaise Pascal and his passion for mathematics, the other is a longitudinal study which explain the love passion of Ariane, a young gifted girl met at 8 and 14 years. Traumatisms by exess and traumatisms by default will build babies and teenager with a high potential, that will be my first hypothesis. My second hypothesis is about the traumatophilic movement which come reinforce, or even doing violence to the separation process : for the gifted teenagers, love passion no need separation.