Archives par mot-clé : Représentation

The object and the external threat

The external threat that nature will disappear seems to reveal another, internal threat of the loss of the object in adolescence. Without the support of the external object feeding the investment of the internal object, the unrepresentable arises, produced by the object within the Ego. The mobilization of underlying processes for preservation, by enabling the reinvestment of the sexual object, leads to the indispensable narcissistic maintenance of a “feeling of existence” in adolescence.

Adolescence, 2021, 39, 1, 151-166.

L’objet et la menace extérieure

La menace extérieure de disparition de la nature révèlerait une autre menace interne de la perte de l’objet à l’adolescence. En l’absence du support de l’objet externe alimentant l’investissement de l’objet interne, surgit l’irreprésentable que produit l’objet au sein du Moi. La mobilisation des processus sous-jacents pour une préservation, en permettant le réinvestissement de l’objet sexuel, aboutit à l’indispensable maintien narcissique d’un « sentiment d’existence » d’adolescence.

Adolescence, 2021, 39, 1, 151-166.

Beatriz Santos : on ne naît pas girl, on le devient

Le parcours de transition de la jeune Lara dans le film Girl, de Lukas Dhont, inspire une réflexion sur la représentation du corps des sujets trans au-delà des productions artistiques. Le présent article propose une analyse de cette question en l’articulant avec des travaux sur la production de récits sur la transidentité.

Adolescence, 2019, 37, 1, 157-163.

Vincent Cornalba: representations of aim

The construction of representations proceeds both from the influence of purposive ideas, certainly shaped in childhood, and of a transformation ensuing from past, present and future experiences. The adolescent’s inscription in the genital order causes these representations to be renegotiated; this is manifested in the making of a plan, such as it is represented to him. The therapeutic setting can signify the importance of establishing a matrix that fosters this work of revisiting through thought. Some episodes from the life of Messi, a famous soccer player, serve as a guiding thread in this study.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 317-330.


Vincent Cornalba : représentations de buts

La construction des représentations procède à la fois de l’influence de représentations-but, formées pour certaines dans l’enfance, et d’une transformation consécutive aux expériences passées, actuelles et à venir. L’inscription de l’adolescent sous l’ordre du génital provoque une renégociation de ces représentations, qui se manifeste dans l’œuvre de projet, tel qu’il se présente à lui. Le cadre thérapeutique peut signifier l’importance de l’instauration d’une matrice qui promeut ce travail de reprise par la pensée. Certains épisodes de la vie de Messi, footballeur de renom, servent de fil rouge à cette étude.
Mots clés : Représentation, Représentation-but, Projet, La preuve par l’autre et le regard de l’autre.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 317-330.

JEAMMET Philippe:  Violence carries in itself a deadly dimension

It denies the subjectivity of whoever has to bear it, but reflects mirrorlike a threat on the subfectivy of whoever enacts it. Thus it may be considered as a primary defence reaction from a threatened identity. The experience of institutional life in psychiatry as well as the psychotherapies of subjects suffering from behaviour disorders are a priviledged place to study the latter one. Adolescence is a life stage most liable to expressions of violence due to the nature of the psychological changes that are imposed by puberty. Care should take into account such specificities of the psychological functioning of violent patients. The space for such care should be viewed as a figuration of the internal psychological space of the patient and its handling should be made a means to allow the relationships they need to become tolerable. Mediations and a concrete third function have a very special seat whithin such a handling.

Philippe Bessoles : état post-traumatique et facteurs de résilience

The notion of resiliency appears heuristic about post traumatic pathologies studies. Borrowed to physical sciences epistemology as resistance of metal about shocks, we propose to think resiliency process in clinical psychopathology as psychics organiser able to promote the representation of traumatism.
The resiliency capacity apprehends in logical of psychic economy placed at the convergence of objectal investments, primary psychics envelopment’s and psychosensorial inscription of traumatic experience.
The promotion of sensorial organisation perenity seems the basal form of resiliency process before his fantasmatic scene. The psychic trauma may be thought as an equivalent of original scene where the suffering is not enough the sign of aneantissement but the reparation of formal envelopes of bind objet/subject. The caducity of traumatic experiment supplants real excess, which sudden stroke the victim person. These necessary passage of sensibility translate a lestage of psychic crossing previous to a work of the thinking of traumatism.

Juan Eduardo Tesone : tattooing and the shield of perseus

Like an image in a dream, the tattoo is above all the graphic expression of the subject’s psychical production. Voluntary tattooing become a language act half-way between a writing that is close to hieroglyphics, with its symbolisms, and spoken discourse. A substituting representation, the image inscribed on the skin acquires value as an ersatz of the subject’s inner world, not necessarily metaphorized. Drive excitation is in search of representations. When these are lacking, the inscription of an image on the skin can have the status of a substitute function. Half-way between psychical representation and the external object, in an in-between neither completely outside nor completely inside. For Nicolas, his tattoo, like the shield of Perseus, reflected back the gaze of an other who could remind him of the difference of the sexes, and thus he felt protected from his fear of remaining petrified by his own projected castration anxiety. This was a meta-psychological function for fencing off the representational void he feared he would be sucked into, and for keeping his bodily ego from falling into it at the same time, reinforcing his shaky system of repression.

Denise Medico, Joseph Josy Lévy : the first kiss

A significant gesture in social and artistic representations, the kiss is one of modernity’s icons. By means of exploratory interviews and a questionnaire given to university students in Quebec and French-speaking Switzerland, the place and meaning of the first kiss were investigated. The data obtained suggest a set of contexts (kissing game or initiation) hinging upon experimentation and the exploration of techniques. But national factors seem to come into play when it comes to determining the place of the kiss in sexual scenarios, contributing to psychosexual development.