Archives par mot-clé : Philippe Givre

jacques goldberg, philippe givre : subjetivaciones a la adolescencia

Para abordar el trabajo durante la adolescencia en la noción de subjetivación, cabe interrogar la especificidad del sujeto en cuestión y todo lo que está en juego en los procesos que han sido puestos en evidencia. Y ello a partir de tres obras, se tratará entonces, de reapropiarnos de la singularidad de esos tres puntos de vista originales del proceso de subjetivación : Sujeto de lo carnal et « inconciente primero » (Cahn) ; oscilación histérico-depresiva y melancólica de base (Richard) ; trabajo del intercambio pasivo/activo y acceder a un « dejar hacer por los significantes » (Penot). El acento será puesto sobre la función central de lo real del cuerpo sexualizado. El cual parece en algunos aspectos subestimado por estos autores. En segundo lugar y en la segunda parte del artículo (que será publicado en el siguiente número de la revista), las opciones que hemos retenido nos llevan a examinar la relación del sujeto a sus potencialidades reales que lo constituyeron como sujeto social y cultural ; asi como el trabajo de auto-creación y el de sublimación (s) consideradas como esenciales a la liberación de lo pulsional. Si el sujeto en cuestión es un « Yo-Sujeto », de los puntos de vista clínicos resulta una tensión entre dos intencionalidades : Una al nivel del yo (funcional y narrativo) y la otra al nivel del sujeto (dividido y confrontado a la castración).

philippe givre : el autosabotaje como modo de ser adolescente

Más allá del simple comportamiento psicopatológico, el autosabotaje, en la significación que le dá Jeammet, refleja el mantenimiento de una situación de dependencia y traduce un fracaso de los procesos psíquicos internos para organizar la relación. Así, via ese lenguaje comportamental o neo lenguaje ; el adolescente busca crear una neo-identidad, capaz de compensar el deficit de los procesos de interiorización y por la misma ocasión yugular la presencia de fallas narcísicas que los procesos adolescente pusieron al día por la búsqueda de sensaciones.
El autosadismo anterior al autosabotaje reposa sobre el hecho de una suerte de « auto-erotismo compensador », que es un auto-erotismo petrificado o pervertido para constituirse como en el caso de las adicciones en algo automático y autodestructor, favorisando particularmente la desobjetalización de esas conductas que van a constituirse en una manera de ser ; una manera de ser que instaura el gusto de la desrealización en plaza y lugar de la dinámica del deseo.

philippe givre : philia y adolescencia

El objetivo central de este texto es de llegar a presagiar si la tematica de la “ Philia ” es susceptible de tener alguna pertinencia dentro del marco teórico de la psicoanálisis. Las afinidades que el psicoanalista entretiene con el eros no va en ese sentido salvo para tomar en cuenta las conceptualizaciones de D. W. Winnicott que articula la amistad a la relación al yo y a la capacidad de estar solo. Resulta que en el don de la amistad esta implicado el devenir de la maduración afectiva cuya capacidad de estar solo en presencia del otro representa el fenómeno mas elaborado. El amigo no puede ser considerado como un simple modelo o como el equivalente de un autorretrato; tampoco puede reducirse a otro yo mismo. La amistad contiene algo que me es debido. Si los adolescentes tienen una preferencia por la amistad es que el don de la amistad es indispensable para lanzar y acompañar los movimientos de subjetivacion durante la adolescencia. En ese sentido se entiende que la amistad es contemporánea de trasformaciones subjetivas puesto que ella condiciona la posibilidad de advenir en algo que tenemos de inherente a si mismos.

philippe givre : sueños y actividades transformacionales del adolescente. camino conceptual de françois ladame.

La conceptualizacion propuesta por F. Ladame pone de relieve la noción original de « para-excitación para lo de adentro » cuya internalización durante la segunda fase de separación et individuación, constituye uno de los ejes mayores de la fase adolescente. Por ello, conviene de mostrar cuanto se mezclan los roles y las funcionalidades del preconsciente del trabajo del sueño, de la para-excitación de lo de adentro con la finalidad de asumir la actividad transformacional del adolescente y permitirle de acabar el desarrollo de su cuerpo sexual. Todas esas inter-relaciones e intrincaciones rehabilitan la función del yo quién debe encontrar los compromisos capaces de integrar a la vez el nuevo principio de realidad relacionado a la emergencia de la genitalidad y de tolerar la presencia viva de fantasmas incéstuales y parricidas. Tomando en cuenta que el incesto esta en el corazón del adolescente. De ahí, F. Ladame, extrae su idea central que la verdadera innovación o revolución del adolescente, reside en la posibilidad de tolerar la exclusión de la escena primitiva y ello manteniendo viva la representación de la relación de la pareja parental.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°1, pp. 177-198.

Philippe Givre : Musical love affairs and musicality of adolescent love affairs

Starting from the works of Roland Barthes establishing a difference between music and love discourse, the author tries to show that narrow intrications are woven between the specific time approach at adolescence, music and enamoration. If it seems quite difficult to speak of a love absent-mindedness, the adolescent care seems wholly devoted to the quest of the soul and to the search of musical melodies liable to translate such an emotion. Now, such a care, which may become obsessive, can be alleviated by means of rhythms and musical sonorities corresponding gradually to puberty feelings. The love discourse of the adolescent would then be specifically translated into his musical choices punctuating the going across puberty and adolescens process.

The listening to music would then be granted such a virtue of going along and containing the transformational movement of the love object, on condition however that the sublimation potential may be called forth by the adolescent and be used to a maturation of his aesthetical choices. By offering a harmonious rhythmicity and melodious sensory qualities, the consensual musics scanning the latency stage and the path into puberty would then, through its Apollinian virtues (a pleasure of feeling in good shape), see to the upkeep of a harmonious vision of existence, before giving way to more sophisticated and more tortured musics, with dyonisiac accents which, while they at the same time keep the myth of primitive Unity and complementarity of the sexes, open towards a tragical vision of existence.

Jacques Goldberg, Philippe Givre : subjectivations in adolescence

As an approach to the work of adolescence, the notion of subjectivation involves an investigation into the specificity of the subject in question and the stakes of a process which will be drawn from an examination of three works. We will therefore have to revisit the singularity of these three original approaches to the processes of subjectivation: subject of the flesh and « first unconscious » (Cahn) ; oscillation between hysteric-depressive and basic melancholy (Richard) ; work on the active-passive turnabout and access to « letting oneself be done to by the signifiers » (Penot). The accent will be on the central function of the reality of the sexually differentiated body, which seems in some respects to be underestimated by these authors (first part of the article published in the previous issue). In the second step, and in the second part of the article (published here), the options that we have chosen will lead to us to examine the subject’s relationship with its real « potentials », which constitute it as a social and cultural subject, as well as the work of auto-creation and that of sublimation(s), understood to be essential to the loosening of the drives. If the subject in question is an ego-subject, this will result in a confrontation of two intentionalities within the clinical approaches : one having to do with the ego (functional and narrative) and the other with the subject (divided and confronted with castration.)

Jacques Goldberg, Philippe Givre : subjectivations in adolescence

As an approach to the work of adolescence, the notion of subjectivation involves an investigation into the specificity of the subject in question and the stakes of a process which will be drawn from an examination of three works. We will therefore have to revisit the singularity of these three original approaches to the processes of subjectivation: subject of the flesh and “ first unconscious ” (Cahn) ; oscillation between hysteric-depressive and basic melancholy (Richard) ; work on the active-passive turnabout and access to “ letting oneself be done to by the signifiers ” (Penot). The accent will be on the central function of the reality of the sexually differentiated body, which seems in some respects to be underestimated by these authors. In the second part of the article (which will appear in the next issue of the Revue) the options that we have chosen will lead to us to examine the subject’s relationship with its real “ potentials ”, which constitute it as a social and cultural subject, as well as the work of auto-creation and that of sublimation(s), understood to be essential to the loosening of the drives. If the subject in question is an ego-subject, this will result in a confrontation of two intentionalities within the clinical approaches : one having to do with the ego (functional and narrative) and the other with the subject (divided and confronted with castration.)

Philippe Givre : self-sabotage as a way of being an adolescent

Beyond being a mere psychopathological disorder, self-sabotage, according to Jeammet’s definition, reflects the maintenance of a dependence situation and translates a failure of the internal psychical processes to organize the relation. Thus, through this behavioral language or neo-language, the adolescent seeks to create a neo-identity capable of compensating for the deficit in the process of interiorization and, by the same token, to stamp out the narcissistic flaws that the adolescent processes have brought to light in their quest for sensations.
The auto-sadism which underlies self-sabotage, rests on a sort of « compensatory autoeroticism ». This is also an autoeroticism that has been petrified or perverted (as happens with addictions), into something purely mechanical and self-destructive, by fostering, among other things, the dis-objectalization of these conducts, which will then be edified as a way of being. A way of being that lets a taste for dereliction take the place of the desiring dynamic.

Philippe Givre : philia and adolescence

The central issue of this text is to see whether the thematic of Philia may be relevant in some way to the psychoanalytical approach. Psychoanalysis’ affinities with Eros do not argue in favour of this, unless we take into account conceptualizations of Winnicott, who links friendship with the notions of “ relation to the ego ” and the “ capacity for being alone ”. From this one gathers that the gift of friendship would be involved in the process of affective maturation, whose most elaborated phenomenon is the capacity for being alone in the presence of the other. The friend cannot be viewed as a mere model or as the equivalent of a self-portrait. Neither can he be reduced to another oneself, though he holds something that is due to me. If teenagers have a preference for friendship, it is because the gift of friendship is indispensable for them in the starting and accompanying the movements of subjectivation of the adolescens. In this sense, all friendship is contemporary with a subjective rearrangement since it conditions the possibility of emerging as what is proper to ourselves.

Philippe Givre : adolescent dreams and transformational

activity. the conceptual path of françois ladame
The conceptual approach proposed by François Ladame highlights the original notion of a « protective shield for the inside » whose internalization, during the second phase of separation-individuation, is one of the major issues of the adolescent phase. We must therefore show how the roles and functions of the Subconscious, the dream-work and the « protective shields for the inside »intermingle in order to achieve the development of the sexually differentiated body. All these interrelations and interweavings also rehabilitate the role of the Ego which must find compromises capable of integrating the new reality principle tied to the emergence of genitality and tolerating the presence of incestuous and parricidal fantasies that have been kept alive, bearing in mind that incest is at the heart of adolescence. For F. Ladame, this leads to the central idea that the true innovation, or even revolution, in adolescence, rests in the possibility of tolerating the exclusion of the primal scene, while keeping alive the representation of the relationship between the parental couple.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°1, pp. 177-198.