The author attempts to delineate the nature of the negative in the course of the building of the love object at adolescence. Resting on the concept of a negative narcissism revealing the alteration of the functional value of the object, numerous clinical examples are here described in order to illustrate such an object misery, i.e. situations in which the object love becomes significant of a reversal on oneself within hate and shame.
Archives de catégorie : ENG – Expériences d’ amour – 1998 T. 16 n°2
Alexandra Triandafillidis : Eutherian didyme
This paper questions the longing for completeness which is lurking behind the manifold so to say » love experience « . Starting from an heterogeneous documentation, a fiction is here suggested swaying the traditional representation of the mother-child symbiosis towards a representation of the completeness child-placenta : i.e. the » Eutherian didyme » becoming the priviledged metaphorical support enabling to suggest the absolute of completeness.
Such a forever lost didyme feeds an unquenchable quest. The companions of the love experience, whatever it may be, appear to be imperfect substitutes, cathexed with an unattainable mission. They are always more or less » imaginary « .
Odile Falque : » The Annunciation » : Mystical experience and adolescence process
The mystical experience may go across the process of adolescence and may some time structure such a rehandling by bringing it either a temporary or decisive final outcome. It doesn’t dam the more or less pathological functionings but gives them a meaning. The » beautiful » Violaine resurrects her sister’s dead child, i. e. Mara’s, the » bad » sister’s child. The leprous thereby approaches her humiliation fantasy by means of one of rebirth in an idealization process made necessary to handle the puberty violence.
Philippe Givre : Musical love affairs and musicality of adolescent love affairs
Starting from the works of Roland Barthes establishing a difference between music and love discourse, the author tries to show that narrow intrications are woven between the specific time approach at adolescence, music and enamoration. If it seems quite difficult to speak of a love absent-mindedness, the adolescent care seems wholly devoted to the quest of the soul and to the search of musical melodies liable to translate such an emotion. Now, such a care, which may become obsessive, can be alleviated by means of rhythms and musical sonorities corresponding gradually to puberty feelings. The love discourse of the adolescent would then be specifically translated into his musical choices punctuating the going across puberty and adolescens process.
The listening to music would then be granted such a virtue of going along and containing the transformational movement of the love object, on condition however that the sublimation potential may be called forth by the adolescent and be used to a maturation of his aesthetical choices. By offering a harmonious rhythmicity and melodious sensory qualities, the consensual musics scanning the latency stage and the path into puberty would then, through its Apollinian virtues (a pleasure of feeling in good shape), see to the upkeep of a harmonious vision of existence, before giving way to more sophisticated and more tortured musics, with dyonisiac accents which, while they at the same time keep the myth of primitive Unity and complementarity of the sexes, open towards a tragical vision of existence.
Myriam Boubli : About the same being too similar, towards the slight dissimilarity within the quest of otherness.
The question at stake consists in showing and analyzing two movements of sexualization at adolescence and their vicissitudes. The former psychical movement, both chaste and » courtly » is the sine qua non condition of the latter. It enables recognition and elaboration of emotions, the surge of personal thought and the acceptance of otherness. During this first psychical movement the almost delirious illusion of belonging to both sexes is gradually left behind through the love experience using the partner as a double who is only a little dissimilar, thus enabling the subject to disentangle himself from the Oedipian parents. Thanks to such an emotional experience, the adolescent alters his links with his identenfication and love objets and becomes more aware of some of his modes of thought.
The second movement widens the capacity to learn from experience, insight, the acceptance of otherness, and enables a genital, stable and flourishing sexual closeness through the integration of psychical bisexuality.
François Ladame : What do we call transference love ?
Transference love is love. Its clinical approach is however different according to whether one deals with adolescents or adults. Differences most probably come from the developmental demands, e.g. in particular the imperative urging one to renounce the satisfaction of parricidal and incestuous wishes that are so close at hand. The so-called transference love at adolescence is much closer to a love passion with all the risks at stake, including to lose one’s self within it.
Maja Perret- Catipovic: Hate for transference – Transference hate
Reversely from aggressiveness, which aims at hurting the other person, hate attacks the other person’s very existence as a differenciated object. Yet it should not be mistaken for destructiveness since it stands surety for an unfailing bond between patient and therapist. It is indeed difficult to be tolerated within the counter-transference-transference relationship but it does not all the same represent a major threat for the outcome of a therapeutic process.
François Marty : The oceanic feeling
The oceanic feeling, as an object of controversy between S. Freud and R. Rolland, may be understood as a feeling belonging to the feeling of love experienced at adolescence. Being the expression of a fusional regression or the anticipated perception of the object love, the oceanic feeling may be one version of the resolution of the puberty conflict.
Gilles Rebillaud : » Do you love me ? » à propos transference love
This paper describes the case of the analysis of a young twenty-year old woman, the intrusion of the analyst’s daughter within a session triggers off a powerful rivalry effect in the patient. The author then attempts to follow the simultaneous effect of transference and analyzes his embezzlement and his active interventions induced as they are by such a case.
Jean-Marc Chauvin : Twsists and turns of objectalization
According to wounding and frustrating emotional experiences they have met, adolescents at risk will leave behind the field of an object scene in which the haineous experience, warrant as it was of a bond with the object is still liable, in order to slide, regressively, towards the destruction of an object bond and a narcissistic decathexis. Part of the adolescent task is located within the slide hence taking place between the polarities of hate and destructiveness. Psychoanalytic care must be endeavoured in order to keep the liable rehandlings open.