Archives par mot-clé : Name-of-the-Father

Martin Bakero Carrasco, Éric Bidaud: Name, act and creation .

Starting with the question, « by virtue of what does an adolescent crisis of the body exist? », this article proposes to play with the notions of space, of watching, and of the creation of a name. Internet, as mirror and space for circulating profiles and images, translates the journey of the trial to inscribe the destiny of new figures of the Name of the Father. This journey involves the risk of initiating a counter culture movement, and of the adolescent becoming the Father of the Name through the effects of his or her creation

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 2, 333-345.

Julie Ahmad, Christian Hoffmann: To be authorized of its sex.

How can an adolescent authorize him or herself to have a sexual relationship? Access to the jouissance of the body follows the path of the letter in order for desire to emerge. The phallic function becomes the vector, via the possibility for a subject to use the Name-of-the-Father in order to “take the leap” of performing the sexual act. How can the success or failure of this process be approached in the treatment of adolescents? The ways of knowing how to deal with castration are specific yet all refer back to the universal of the father as name (Name-of-the-Father).

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 2, 271-278.