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Beginning from an unusual clinical experience composed of fragments of improbable encounters with an adolescent going through a period marked by high-risk behaviour in a violent context before becoming an « extreme ski » professional ; I propose to study the question of death at adolescence… not as a reflection on loss and grievance, but as an essential figure of the unrepresentable which organizes high-risk behaviour during adolescence. With this approach, death reunites inevitable and random figures while confronting what is unrepresentable of one’s own death. Thus, we have a different reading of the classical approach to risk-taking, which commonly refers to the idea of ordealistic, high-risk behaviour as a narcissistic trial. Another approach considers risk-taking as an attempt to represent an intimate relationship with death and what is unrepresentable of one’s own death. This dynamic takes form in what may be called an instantaneous clinical moment, where what is experienced during the act cannot be resolved through the realization of the act itself. It is in fact the question of a chaotic attempt to express, by feeling, an experience which remains errant.

Olivier Ouvry : adolescence and genocide

The frequency of military engagement of adolescents in genocide raises the question of a possible parallel between the processes involved in war and those mobilized in adolescence. This leads to the question of the possible resonance between individual psychical processes and social processes, along the lines of what Freud introduced in Civilization and Its Discontents. Here the intersection of processes would occur around the act as a substitute for a failure of trans-generational transmission in childhood, either within the family or within the social milieu.

Kari Hauge : présentation de cas

L’auteur présente la psychanalyse d’une jeune fille de quatorze ans, qui vit un manque de fonction contenante depuis le début de sa vie. Au début de l’analyse elle communiquait à un niveau superficiel, mais peu à peu elle a régressé, restant endormie pendant la plupart des séances. Parfois elle se réveillait subitement, très effrayée, me regardait comme si j’étais un monstre, puis se rendormait. Tout se passait de cette façon pendant plus d’un an ; au cours de cette période on m’a signalé qu’elle avait moins de problèmes dans sa vie en dehors des séances. Elle a progressivement modifié son niveau de communication verbale, parlant avec une voix plus douce, plus en contact avec ses émotions internes.

Adolescence, 2009, T. 27, n°1, pp. 11-27.