Archives par mot-clé : Primal process

Bernard Duez: psychodrama, adolescent scenality and dreams

The structure of psychoanalytic group therapy (PGT) entails an anamorphic relationship with that of the dream’s transformative work. The dream and the group are two subjective and societal constants. The author emphasizes the links of figurabilty between primal scenality, dream scenality, adolescent scenality and psychodramatic scenality. He analyzes their involvement in the symbolic effectiveness of the PGT setting with adolescents, especially borderline adolescents.

Adolescence, 2016, 34, 1, 83-100.

Brigitte Leroy-Viémon, Frédérique Decocq, Jeanine Chamond, Corinne Gal: sport and phenomenological psychotherapy

By means of a case study, the authors demonstrate the importance of a psycho-phenomenological therapeutic setting, which brings together a phenomenological component, where work that enacts primal processes in and through movement, and a psychoanalytical component where primary and secondary processes can be endowed with representation. The proposed psychotherapy enables the adolescent, who is locked into passages to the act, to metabolize his aggressiveness in a new way.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 2, 363-376.