Archives par mot-clé : CORNALBA VINCENT

Cornalba Vincent : Casi pubertario

El autor propone remplazar el término de pre-pubertad por el de casi-pubertario y ello refiriendose simultaneamente a los trabajos de Gutton y de Jankélévitch. En efecto, esta formulación parece mas apropiada para dar cuenta de la dinámica particular propia a este periodo. Ya no niño ni aun adolescente, el sujeto de este entre dos está más que nunca confrontado a la cuestión del “ ser ”, cuya expresión fundamental es siempre la intangibilidad del devenir. El devenir de “ un casi nada ” que lo separa del movimiento pubertario, tiende a cristalizar la expresión de una interrogación que continua sobre la evidencia de una existencia naciente para siempre.

Adolescence, septembre 2002, 20, 3, 655-664

Cornalba Vincent – Almost-pubertaire

The author proposes that the term “ pre-puberty ” be replaced by that of “ Almost-pubertaire ”, referring to the work of both Gutton and Jankélévitch. Indeed this formulation seems more appropriate to bearing witness to the particular dynamic that is in play during this time of life. No longer really a child, not yet adolescent, the subject of this in-between is more than ever confronted with the question of being, whose fundamental expression remains the inability to know what is to come.

Adolescence, septembre 2002, 20, 3, 655-664


El objeto de éste articulo es el estudio del trabajo de conversión en la dialéctica que ofrece todo fenómeno ritual. La obligación esta hecha al sujeto de cambiar pero sin imponer la decisión que le corresponde tomar personalmente. El autor aborda el efecto de la conversión como una parte activa sobre la cual todo sujeto confrontado al rito esta confrontado a pronunciar. La conversión se manifiesta a través de la búsqueda de una promesa de un estatuto y el postulado de base subjetal es fijo. Puesto que para que la conversión permita al rito de operar tendría que tener un efecto de caída y ello de manera concomitante a una observación minuciosa de si mismo y de su manera de ser con el mundo.


El autor aborda la cuestión de un cambio en el lenguaje durante el periodo de la adolescencia ; y ello, como el inicio de la dimensión mutativa que se ejerce en el periodo pubertario. Y se considera ese cambio como la máxima expresión. La destitución de las palabras que pueden a todo momento ser eyectadas del discurso, atestigua de la falta de sentido consubstancial a todo lenguaje. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo sobre los adolescentes consistirían a poner en evidencia la dificultad que tienen a inscribir un sentido al lenguaje y ello asegurándose de la permanencia de este. Esta obra, se inscribiría en un régimen en el cual el otro es más que nunca el garante. Es a través el otro que la dirección y la recepción serian aseguradas de una permanencia y ello a pesar de la ausencia de significado.


The revue Adolescence has also been a place of controversy. Through these controversies, the issue of the continuity of therapeutic work in the clinical field of adolescence has been the aim. The confrontation of different ways of thinking provided an indispensable context for the reworking of notions that clinical practice cannot confirm once and for all. This subject is treated with reference to two colloquia, one on homosexuality, the other on psychosis in adolescence. Calling upon authors both from the field of adolescence and the more restricted field of the revue, we complete this overview of notions of controversy and engagement. It is through these that issues of the therapist’s technical and personal values will also be evoked.


The author envisions the register of the political as a dimension inseparable from the encounter between the therapist and the adolescent. At once instigator of a function that mobilizes thought, and promoter of the “ bonding “ value, pedagogue and safeguard, the psychotherapist for adolescents recognizes the conditions specific to this encounter. By the multifaceted definition that acknowledges for himself, he risks expressing his own relation to the organized, which lays the foundation for a living-together and makes possible a relation between thinking and speaking subjects. What is at stake in the encounter with the adolescent coincides, in fact, with the confirmation or the discovery of an inter-subject capacity. In this sense it is also, at its most developed, political.


The purpose of this article is to study the work of conversion along with the dialectic entailed by any ritual phenomenon. The subject is obliged to change, but without obliterating the decision that falls to him. The author treats the effect of conversion as an active part with regard to which every subject confronted with the rite is to make a pronouncement. The conversion is manifested in the search for another way of saying, which can translate both the correspondence and the gap between the promise of new status and the postulate of immutable subjectal bases. For if the conversion is to enable the rite to work, it also necessitates an effect of falling concurrent with the sifting of a certain relation with oneself and the world.


The author conceives of the issue of change in language in adolescence as the working of that mutative dimension of which the entire pubertary process is an expression. The destitution which can at any moment seize upon a word attest to the lack which is consubstantial with any language. The research carried out by the adolescent consists of unveiling this signifying lyingwhile assuring himself of the permanence of the register of language. This « work » would be more generally inscribed in that regime of proof of which other people, more than ever, remain the guarantors. It is by the other that the address and its reception would be assured of a kind of permanence, despite the signifying lack.