Archives par mot-clé : Identity

Gabriela Guzman, Jean-Pierre Benoit, Maria Chiara Fiorin, Bertrand Vachey, Salima Aidouni, Marie Rose Moro : requiem for a virtual double

The new technologies are more and more important in the lives of young people and in our medico-psychiatric consultations. Using the analysis of a clinical case of a suffering young girl, the authors discuss the role of the Internet, virtual spaces and the figure of the double in the construction of identity in adolescence.

Nathalie de Kernier, Yuichiro Abe : heroic murder and hybrid identity in adolescence

The hero in adolescence appears regularly in clinical practice and in literature. The infans seems to be a necessary figuration of the adolescent’s hybrid identity, a necessary passage for getting free of its control. This breaking free implies a symbolic, and particularly heroic, murder. The passage to the act should be understood as a quest for the symbolization of this murder.
Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°2, pp. 393-407.

Virginia De Micco : female genital mutilation, between fantasy and social practice

After providing a socio-anthropological framework for what is called female genital mutilation, a clinical sequence will enable us to examine the deepest unconscious underpinnings of these. Such social practices can shed light on the unconscious foundations of certain clinical manifestations, especially concerning adolescents and their odd « rites of passage ».

Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°3, pp. 723-741.

Gaia Petraglia : from the other side of the ocean. being parents and children in a foreign land

Beginning with a reflection on contemporary cultural mixing, the author will analyze this issue as it relates to second-generation immigrant children and their parents. Using some clinical examples of children and their parents received in a Pschological Service for immigrants, she reflects upon the trauma of migration and on the non-elaborated secrets which are passed down to the next generation. Also she raises the question of cultural counter-transference, a central factor in preventing fallout within the therapeutic relation, and analyzes the creative potential of second generation adolescents.

Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°3, pp. 677-697.

Odile Falque : the fantasy of the blade

Using a case involving a treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, and exchanges between therapists during a Seminar in Adolescent Psychotherapy, we will try to pinpoint what underlies the issue of identity conquest and the problem of homosexuality in adolescence. The « fantasy of the blade » – a reference to the religious identificatory figure of St. George – helps organize theoretical and clinical observations.

Adolescence, 2013, T. 31, n°4, pp. 917-934.

Isée Bernateau : identity processes : the singularity of an adolescent with a violent father*

Identity, and the inherent processes are suceptible to modification and alterations turning to cultural models may be a means of support. Linking culture and image by mirroring and impressing, reflecting and expressing creates and maintains an identity dynamique.

In the age of globalization, neo-identities are created through cross-culture models,  models with attributes of invincibility and inviolabilty. Adherence to these neo-identities summon a violence susceptible of hatred of others.

revue Adolescence, 2011, T. 29 n°4, pp. 863-873.