Archives de catégorie : ENG – The Sensorial – 2014 T.32 n° 4

Aurélie Maurin: figures of alterity: encounters by body

In educational institutions the adolescent body occupies both formal and informal space and time, within the social space devoted to them. It is dictated by schedules, rhythms and learning activities. The relationship with knowledge and thought originates in the body, and yet the institution denies it in its drive reality. This article will explore this hypothesis through observations carried out in a French high school.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 757-769.

Olivier Ouvry: passion and sensoriality

The adolescent process, through the unconscious readjustment that it entails, involves the integration of a new sensoriality that does not correspond to the symbolic order inherited from childhood, but corresponds to the arrival of the Feminine (Other sex) and the enjoyment of the Other. It is an effect of the pubertary real, a real whose outcome is a defining issue of the adolescent phase. How to move from this to an object caught up in reality, inscribed as the cause of desire and integrated into the obligations of the social realm?

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 745-756.

Jean-Yves Chagnon: the making of a monster: from devastated sensoriality to homicidal violence

Examining the case of an adolescent rapist and murderer post mortem, this article presents the failures of adolescent creation and the reappearance, in the form of monstrous acts of violence, of a devastated sensoriality from early childhood. Structural psychopathology is not enough to account for this case. Nevertheless, psychodynamic psychocriminality attempts to describe a language of body and act, a preliminary to a multidimensional “incarcerated” treatment which could perhaps help such subjects recover a part of their humanity.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 735-744.

Catherine Matha: murdered adolescence: between dream and sensoriality

This article will attempt to investigate the importance of the self-informing function of sensoriality in adolescence in its connections with dream work, of which figurability is an essential component. These reflections are supported by the narrative of the process of the treatment of an adolescent engaged in compulsive body-attacking conduct.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 719-733.

Philippe Givre: evanescent body: auto-sensual and sensorial arrangement

During the therapeutic treatment of a young adolescent patient, the insistent presence of sensations of heat and cold serves in the struggle against depersonalization anxieties, but also points to the presence of pubertary, infantile and archaic feelings that cannot be subjectivized. The establishment of specific affinities between the achaic and pubertary registers fosters, in a very regressive way, the dominance of the most primitive ways of representing, to the detriment of more elaborated forms, which the psychotherapy was able gradually to differentiate.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 705-717.

Philippe Jeammet: the sensorial: an antidote for emotions

The context of the process of adolescence is paradox. The subject is confronted in a particularly intense way with the effects of dependence and the requirement of autonomy. This tension causes a resurgence of emotions that the subject must deal with, and the quest for sensation may be one way of coping. The reflective consciousness will be crucial in shielding the subject from the consequences of a destructive polarization.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 695-703.

Vincent Cornalba, Jacques Dayan: sensoriality’s dual purpose

The use of the sensorial is twofold, involving binding and unbinding effects. The idea of trans-figuration lends itself to the representation of a play of figurations in which the other is a necessary partner. The insistent way the body intervenes in adolescence cannot be interpreted entirely as a glitch; it can just as well be seen as a lead-in and may appear as an operator within the very process of subjectivation.

Adolescence, 2014, 32, 4, 687-693.