Alberto Eiguer : why don’t adolescents like family parties?

In order to find out the reasons for this refusal, the author examines the limits of the concept of manic defense, the characteristics of all family parties (a ritual evoking family origins and the belonging of family members, but which also brooks any excess or overflow), the singular nature of adolescent partying (hyperactivity and plugging into archaic sensations), in order to pinpoint what makes them clash. Adolescents don’t like family parties because they are the vehicle for a genealogical order in which they imagine they have no place. This would explain why they can’t stand the apologetic tone of such parties or the certainties supposedly derived from the mythical allegories expressed in them. This rejection is in agreement with their aim to build a neo-filiation for themselves, which leads them towards other groups and other parties (rave parties); but this is only the visible face of another quest, whose object is a place for themselves in the genealogy.